Italian national flag

National Programs


Lo scorso 31 luglio 2023 Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) ha stipulato con la Direzione degli Armamenti Navali (NAVARM) del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti il contratto per la fornitura di tre pattugliatori di nuova generazione, con opzione di ulteriori tre, comprensivo dei relativi servizi di supporto logistico, nell’ambito del programma OPV (Offshore Patrol Vessel) della Marina Militare Italiana.

Il 5 agosto 2024 OSN ha ricevuto dalla Marina Militare la notifica relativa all’esercizio dell’opzione per la costruzione del quarto pattugliatore di nuova generazione e relativo supporto logistico.Tali Unità, caratterizzate da un’elevata flessibilità d’impiego, saranno in grado di svolgere principalmente compiti di presenza e sorveglianza, vigilanza marittima, controllo del traffico mercantile, protezione delle linee di comunicazione e della Zona Economica Esclusiva (ZEE) senza tuttavia tralasciare i compiti complementari a supporto della collettività, quali il concorso ad operazioni antinquinamento a fronte di sversamenti di idrocarburi in mare. Ispirate al concetto del multi-purpose by design, le Unità saranno caratterizzate da spiccate doti di robustezza, semplicità costruttiva e flessibilità d’impiego.Con una lunghezza di circa 95 metri, un dislocamento di 2300 tonnellate, una autonomia di 3500 miglia alla velocità di 14 kts e la capacità di ospitare a bordo 97 membri dell’equipaggio, i nuovi pattugliatori si distingueranno per la concentrazione di soluzioni tecnologiche di Fincantieri e Leonardo, subfornitori del programma, nonché per standard di eccellenza in termini di automazione e manovrabilità, che li renderanno adatti ad operare in un ampio ventaglio di scenari tattici e condizioni atmosferiche.Tra le caratteristiche più innovative vi è il cockpit navale, sviluppato per i Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura (PPA) della Marina Militare sulla base di un requisito realmente rivoluzionario: una postazione integrata, co-prodotta da Leonardo e Fincantieri NexTech, che permette la condotta della nave e delle operazioni aereonavali da parte di soli due operatori, il pilota e il copilota, che hanno inglobato le figure dell’ufficiale di guardia in plancia e del comandante. Da questa postazione, ubicata nella plancia comando, è infatti possibile gestire sia le macchine, i timoni e gli impianti di piattaforma sia alcune funzioni del sistema di combattimento.


Military Ship on the sea from above

On 19 July 2023, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) signed with the Naval Armaments Directorate (NAVARM) of the General Secretariat of Defence and National Armaments Directorate the Framework Agreement for the Mantaining in Operational Conditions (MCO) of the platform/apparatus and of the combat system of the Cavour aircraft carrier and the Andrea Doria and Caio Duilio Horizon Class Destroyers of the Italian Navy (MMI).

The objective of the MCO Program will be to guarantee the operational readiness and/or the expected level of availability of the naval units subject to the contract. Fincantieri will handle the in-service support activities of the platform systems and equipment and Leonardo will oversee all subsystems related to the Combat System.


Military ship on the sea

On November 16, 2005, OCCAR (Organization Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement), in the name and on behalf of the participating Italian and French States, signed a contract with Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) and the then French company Armaris (now Naval Group) for the development, qualification, construction and in-service support of European Multi-Mission Frigates (FREMM) in the following four current versions:

  • No. 6 ASW (Anti-Sub-Marine Warfare) and No. 4 GP (General Pourpose) for Italy
  • provision of land services or adjustments to compensate for temporary or structural for deficiencies (Gap).

The main characteristics of the Units intended for the MMI are:

  • overall length: 144 m
  • length between the perpendiculars: 132.5 m
  • width: 19.7 m
  • immersion: 5.1 m
  • displacement: 6,500 t
  • max speed: 27 n
  • crew members: 145

As part of the FREMM Program, OSN plays the role of system integrator at the Whole Warship level throughout the ship's lifecycle. There are 8 Italian naval units in service and they are continuously undertaking missions of national interest dictated by the current geopolitical situation. The 9th and 10th naval units will be delivered in 2025.


Military ship on the sea

Orizzonti Sistemi Navali (OSN) is Prime Contractor of the TLSM Program ( Through Life Sustainability Management) signed on 12 June 2019 in Bonn with OCCAR (Organization Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement) for the operational support of the FREMM Frigates. Specifically, the TLSM is the logistical support program of the 8 naval units. FREMM in operation until June 2025 — in continuity with the FREMM TGS, which was based on a different service model fully the service of Industry.

The TLSM, is in fact, used for a Workshare between the National Industry and the MMI, which, having acquired the necessary skills during the TGS period, is able to operate with a higher level of autonomy. This industry/MMI cooperation makes it possible to maximise the return in terms of cost-effectiveness. The most “challenging” aspects of the TLSM are:

  • Integration of the Industry and its personnel into processes, information systems and MMI sites;
  • more precise management and traceability of materials for the correct planning of preventive maintenance;
  • use and reporting of services through MM information systems;
  • engineering support focused on the optimisation of the naval unit support system;
  • provision of land services or adjustments to compensate for temporary or structural deficiencies (Gap) temporary or structural;
  • execution of major maintenance during periods of stay of the naval units.


On 17 November, 2023, OCCAR (Organization Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement), in the name and on behalf of the participating Italian and French States, signed a contract with Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) to start designing the new FREMM Naval Unit called EVOLVED “EVO”.

The main characteristics of the Units will remain the same as the previous naval
units in general terms but there will be significant developments with regard
to platform equipment and combat system. In particular, the new naval units will be equipped with the most up-to-date and efficient systems for air conditioning, electrical distribution and on-board automation. Finally, for the combat system, among the many innovations, the integration of the CMS SADOC4 virtualized command and control system, the integration of the AESA DBR X-C RADAR, the development of the C-UAS anti-drone capability and the ability to use Unmanned systems are envisaged.


On 15 December, 2021, OSN signed a contract with the Naval Armaments Directorate (NAVARM) called “Risk Reduction Study and Definition of the Next Generation Destroyer Project (DDG)”.

The new Unit will have to perform the function of defence and protection of the Naval Force and therefore must be able to operate for extended periods with the capacity to ensure the presence, surveillance and defence of the integrity of the areas and infrastructures of interest, to counteract air, surface and underwater threats and ensure support for ground troops. The contract is divided into two phases: the first relating to the feasibility study during which a number of possible configurations must be analysed in detail to meet the contractual requirements that already take into account the cross-cutting aspects at Whole Warship level and the second relating to the definition of the project, in which the development of the basic project of the Naval Unit will be defined, which must take into account the choice of the proposed solutions resulting from the first phase.



The ScanEagle remotely piloted aircraft (UAV) produced by INSITU, a US company that is part of the Boeing group, has been integrated into the Carlo Bergamini, a naval unit of the FREMM class frigates.
The satisfaction of this new requirement allowed the Italian Navy to operate the new capacity during the NATO Dynamic Mariner/Open Sea 2-23 exercise.

The ScanEagle system was acquired by the Direction for the Air Armaments and Airworthiness (DAAA) of the Italian Ministry of Defence from INSITU, which has found in Orizzonte Sistemi Navali the perfect partner to successfully conduct the integration thanks to its competence and capacity as Design Authority at Whole Warship level of the FREMM contract. Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, leader of the consortium of expert companies in the specific sector, guided the activity from the study, development and verification phases to on-board installation and supported the integration and acceptance activities.

Algeri national flagEgypt national flag

International Programs


Military ship 3D rendering

On 4 September, 2014, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali handed over to the Algerian Naval Forces the San Giusto landing and logistic support unit, initially called BDSL.

The Naval Unit, which entered service on 28 March 2015 under the name of Kalaat Béni Abbès (474), belongs to the BCPF type “Bâtiment de Commandement et Projection des Forces” and is capable of performing amphibious, logistical, health support, command and connection and self-defense operations. The BCPF 474 was built at the Fincantieri shipyards in Riva Trigoso and Muggiano. Leonardo supplied the Combat System and ammunition.

Main Features:

  • LFT (overall length): 142.9 m
  • LPP (length between the perpendiculars): 127.6 m
  • B (width): 21.5 m
  • Immersion: 4.7 m
  • Displacement: 8,800 t
  • Max speed: 20 n


Military ship on the sea

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali was the Prime Contractor of the construction programs
of the three Mine Countermeasures Units (CDMA FOC, FOS1 and FOS2) for the Naval Forces

The three Naval Units of the “El Kasseh” Class, delivered respectively on 20 June 2017, 29 July 2020 and 4 May 2022, are suitable for fighting mines both actively (searching, identifying, neutralizing and drawing mines) and passively (monitoring navigation channels and delimiting the minefield). The three minesweepers were built at the Intermarine shipyard in Sarzana. Leonardo supplied the Combat System and ammunition.
Main Features:

  • LFT (overall length): 52.45 m
  • LPP (length between the perpendiculars): 48.94 m
  • B (width): 9.87 m
  • Displacement: 720 t
  • Crew: 46 people


Military ship on the sea from above

Since December 2018, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) has been Prime Contractor of a Marché
à Commandes signed with the Algerian Naval Forces for the Maintaining of
Operating Conditions of the systems/equipment of the Platform and of the Combat System of the Kalaat Beni-Abbes Naval Unit (BCPF 474).

In this Contract, Fincantieri oversees the in-service support activities of the platform systems and equipment and Leonardo all the subsystems related to the Combat System.


Military ship in a port

Since January 2023, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) has been the Prime Contractor of a Marché à Commandes signed with the Algerian Naval Forces for the maintenance of the platform/apparatus and the combat system of the El Kasseh 501 Naval Unit (CDMA FOC) in operational condition. The Marché is also expected to be extended soon to the other two Naval Units El Kasseh 502 (CDMA FOS1) and El Kasseh 503 (CDMA FOS 2).

In this Contract, Leonardo oversees of the in-service support activities of all the subsystems related to the Combat System and makes use of Intermarine for platform systems and equipment.


Military Ship on the sea from above

On 19 December 2020, Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) signed a contract with Fincantieri S.p.A. for the supply of two FREMM Frigates (Bergamini Class) to be delivered to the Egyptian Navy together with specific integrated logistics support for the entire Combat System.

Regarding the platform is concerned, these Units have the same characteristics (dimensions, displacement, sleeping capacity) and performance (autonomy, maximum speed, seaworthiness) as the FREMM Bergamini Class Frigates currently being used by the Navy, while the supplied Combat System has a specific export configuration. The integrated logistical support for the Combat System, mainly consists of:

  • Technical manuals: technical documentation for the use and maintenance of on-board equipment
  • Special tools: specific tools (non-commercial) for preventive on-board maintenance
  • Training: familiarisation of the crew with the use of C/S S/S through On The Job Training sessions

OSN was also responsible for managing and coordinating the end-of-warranty work of both units, performed
at the Muggiano (SP) shipyard in succession for 2022.
OSN is currently involved in the operational management of the after-sales warranty of the 2 Units.


Military Ship on the sea from above

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) is a partner of Fincantieri S.p.A. in the Integrated Logistic Program
Support (ISS) and in the In Service Support (ILS) for the FREMM Frigates signed on 12 October , 2023 with the Egyptian Navy for the logistical support of the 2 FREMM Frigates for a time horizon of 10 years.

The contract mainly involves the supply of:


  • Training courses on apparatus/subsystems
  • Special tool for activities under the responsibility of ground personnel
  • Management system (HW and SW) for on-board and ground maintenance


  • Material necessary for the maintenance scheduled for the time period of the contract
  • Level preventive maintenance tasks (ILM and DLM) for the first 5 years
  • On the job training for Egyptian personnel for the first 5 years
  • Corrective maintenance (on request)

All the contract activities will be performed in Egypt.